Test Catalog Search Results

8INHT - Overview: Factor VIII Inhibitor Profile, Technical Interpretation

Technical interpretation of inhibitor to factor VIII testing This test is not useful for the detection of a lupus-like circulating anticoagulant inhibitor, a nonspecific circulating anticoagulant, or other inhibitors that are not specific...

PADF - Overview: Prenatal Aneuploidy Detection, FISH

Screening for chromosomal aneuploidies of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y in prenatal specimens

GALMP - Overview: Galactosemia, GALT Gene, Variant Panel, Varies

Second-tier test for confirming a diagnosis of galactosemia as indicated by enzymatic testing or newborn screening Carrier testing family members of an affected individual of known genotype (has variants included in the panel) Resolution...

BMAMA - Overview: Basic Metabolic Panel, Serum

Routine health monitoring or patient monitoring while hospitalized for information regarding metabolism, including the current kidney status, electrolyte, and acid/base balance, and blood glucose