Test Catalog Search Results

C5AG - Overview: C5 Complement, Antigen, Serum

Diagnosis of C5 deficiency Investigation of a patient with an absent total complement (CH50) level

PTSC - Overview: Prothrombin Time (PT), Plasma

Screening to identify a deficiency of one or more of the clotting factors of the extrinsic coagulation system (I, II, V, VII, X) due to hereditary deficiency or acquired conditions such as liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, or a specific...

HDCH - Overview: Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Serum

Measurement of serum high-density lipoprotein concentrations for managing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk

SULFU - Overview: Sulfate, 24 Hour, Urine

Assessing the nutrition intake of animal protein The calculation of urinary supersaturation of various crystals or stones

OLIG - Overview: Oligoclonal Banding, Serum and Spinal Fluid

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis; especially useful in patients with equivocal clinical presentation and radiological findings