FMORS - Overview: Morphine Confirmation, Serum
Morphine Confirmation, Serum
NIUCR - Overview: Nickel/Creatinine Ratio, Random, Urine
Preferred specimen type for biomonitoring nickel exposure
NIUC - Overview: Nickel/Creatinine Ratio, Random, Urine
Measurement of nickel concentration for biomonitoring nickel exposure
NAPSN - Overview: Napsin A Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Identification of primary lung adenocarcinoma
Orange IgG
FPDD - Overview: Pigeon/Dove Droppings Gel Diffusion
Pigeon/Dove Droppings Gel Diffusion
PMARG - Overview: Postmortem Arrhythmia Gene Panel, Tissue
Providing a comprehensive postmortem genetic evaluation in the setting of a sudden death suspicious for cardiac arrhythmia or with a personal or family history suggestive of a hereditary form of cardiac arrhythmia Identifying a...
TPSPC - Overview: Physician Interpretation Screen, Varies
Physician Interpretation Screen, Varies
FPIGF - Overview: Pigeon Feathers IgG
Pigeon Feathers IgG