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Test Catalog

MNU - Overview: Manganese, 24 Hour, Urine

Monitoring manganese exposure using 24 hour urine collections Nutritional monitoring

HPV - Overview: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Detection with Genotyping, High-Risk Types by PCR, ThinPrep, Varies

Detecting high-risk (HR) genotypes associated with the development of cervical cancer Aiding in triaging women with abnormal Pap smear test results Individual genotyping of human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 and/or HPV-18 if present...

RPRS - Overview: Rapid Plasma Reagin Screen with Reflex, Serum

Aiding in the diagnosis of recent or past Treponema pallidum infection Rapid plasma reagin screening when T pallidum antibody screen is positive This test is not useful as a screening or confirmatory test for blood donor specimens.

CDU - Overview: Cadmium, 24 Hour, Urine

Detecting exposure to cadmium, a toxic heavy metal, in 24-hour urine specimens

Site Search

Primary ciliary dyskinesia - Insights

Learn more about Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ robust approach to testing for primary ciliary dyskinesia, a rare genetic condition that can lead to chronic otosinopulmonary disease and infertility in men....

CPT Codes and LOINC Update: September 2019 - Insights

View a full list of new CPT codes, Test Classification Updates, LOINC Codes, and Z-Codes posted to during the month of September 2019....

note, CPT Code changes listed on this document are effective January 1st, 2025.*** ***Updates and other changes may occur, and be reflected on this document, leading up to 2025*** ***CPT Code Updates...

MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information MC1235297

MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Complete print Reset Form Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Instructions Accurate interpretation reporting...

New communication process for CPT Code changes - Insights

Mayo Clinic Laboratories (MCL) is pleased to announce an essential update to our CPT code communication process and website layout. This change is designed to bring timely notifications for accurate billing...