Test Catalog Search Results

PBU - Overview: Lead, 24 Hour, Urine

Detecting clinically significant lead exposure in 24-hour specimens This test is not a substitute for blood lead screening.

PBUOE - Overview: Lead Occupational Exposure, Random, Urine

Detecting clinically significant lead exposure due to occupational exposure This test is not a substitute for blood lead screening.

PBCU - Overview: Lead/Creatinine Ratio, Urine

Detecting clinically significant lead exposure using random urine specimens This test is not a substitute for blood lead screening.

PBOU - Overview: Lead Occupational Exposure, Random, Urine

Detecting clinically significant lead exposure due to occupational exposure in random urine specimens This test is not a substitute for blood lead screening.

PBUCR - Overview: Lead/Creatinine Ratio, Random, Urine

Detecting clinically significant lead exposure, a toxic heavy metal, using random urine specimens