Test Catalog Search Results

OVMU - Overview: Ovomucoid, IgE, Serum

Establishing a diagnosis of an allergy to ovomucoid Defining the allergen responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms Identifying allergens: -Responsible for allergic response and/or anaphylactic episode -To confirm sensitization prior...

BENW - Overview: White Bean, IgE, Serum

Establishing a diagnosis of an allergy to white bean Defining the allergen responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms Identifying allergens: -Responsible for allergic response and/or anaphylactic episode -To confirm sensitization...

ASHW - Overview: White Ash, IgE, Serum

Establishing a diagnosis of an allergy to white ash Defining the allergen responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms Identifying allergens: -Responsible for allergic response and/or anaphylactic episode -To confirm sensitization prior...

ADMPU - Overview: Addiction Medicine Profile with Reflex, 22 Drug Classes, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Immunoassay Screen, Random, Urine

Detecting drug use involving stimulants, barbiturate, benzodiazepines, cocaine, opioids, tetrahydrocannabinol, alcohol, and nicotine This test is not intended for use in employment-related testing.

AMGEN - Overview: Mycoplasma genitalium, Transcription-Mediated Amplification, Urine or Urogenital Swab

Detecting Mycoplasma genitalium in cases of suspected infection This test is not intended for use in medico-legal applications.

EPO - Overview: Erythropoietin, Serum

An aid in distinguishing between primary and secondary polycythemia Differentiating between appropriate secondary polycythemia (eg, high-altitude living, pulmonary disease, tobacco use) and inappropriate secondary polycythemia (eg,...

HSVG - Overview: Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 1- and Type 2-Specific Antibodies, IgG, Serum

Determining whether a patient has been previously exposed to herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 Distinguishing between infection caused by HSV types 1 and 2, especially in patients with subclinical or unrecognized HSV infection...

LENT - Overview: Enterovirus, Molecular Detection, PCR, Varies

Aiding in diagnosing enterovirus infections This test should not be used to screen asymptomatic patients.

AGAS - Overview: Alpha-Galactosidase, Serum

Diagnosis of Fabry disease in male patients Preferred screening test (serum) for Fabry disease This test is not useful for patients undergoing a work up for a meat or meat-derived product allergy.

OXNP - Overview: Oxysterols, Plasma

Investigating a possible diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease types A, B, or C using plasma specimens Monitoring of individuals with Niemann-Pick type C disease This test is not useful for the identification of carriers.