Test Catalog Search Results

PRSSZ - Overview: PRSS1 Gene, Full Gene Analysis, Varies

Confirmation of suspected clinical diagnosis of hereditary pancreatitis (HP) in patients with chronic pancreatitis Identification of familial PRSSI mutation to allow for predictive and diagnostic testing in family members

PAC1 - Overview: Paraneoplastic, Autoantibody Evaluation, Spinal Fluid

Aiding in the diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurological autoimmune disorders related to carcinoma of lung, breast, ovary, thymoma, or Hodgkin lymphoma using spinal fluid specimens

AVWPR - Overview: von Willebrand Disease Profile, Plasma

Detection of deficiency or abnormality of von Willebrand factor (VWF) and related deficiency of factor VIII coagulant activity Subtyping von Willebrand disease (VWD) as type 1 (most common), type 2 variants (less common), or type 3...

CHRCB - Overview: Chromosome Analysis, Congenital Disorders, Blood

Diagnosis of congenital chromosome abnormalities, including aneuploidy, structural abnormalities, and balanced rearrangements

FXS - Overview: Fragile X Syndrome, Molecular Analysis, Varies

Confirming a diagnosis of fragile X syndrome, fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome, or premature ovarian insufficiency caused by expansions in the FMR1 gene Determining carrier status for individuals with a family history of fragile X...

DHES1 - Overview: Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate, Serum

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of hyperandrogenism (in conjunction with measurements of other sex steroids) An adjunct in the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of premature adrenarche

CHRBM - Overview: Chromosome Analysis, Hematologic Disorders, Bone Marrow

Assisting in the diagnosis and classification of certain malignant hematological disorders in bone marrow specimens Evaluating the prognosis in patients with certain malignant hematologic disorders Monitoring effects of treatment...