APROL - Overview: Prolonged Clot Time Profile, Plasma

Determining the cause of prolongation of prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time Screening for prolonged clotting times and determining the presence of factor deficiencies or inhibitor (eg, factor-specific, lupus-like,...

GNPFD - Overview: Platelet Function Defect Gene Panel, Next-Generation Sequencing, Varies

Diagnosing hereditary platelet function defect disorders for patients who have a distinct platelet function defect pattern, such as Bernard-Soulier syndrome, revealed by laboratory phenotypic testing Confirming a hereditary platelet...

PBR - Overview: Phenobarbital, Serum

Monitoring for appropriate therapeutic concentration of phenobarbital Assessing compliance or toxicity

PRMB - Overview: Primidone and Phenobarbital, Serum

Assessing compliance Monitoring for appropriate therapeutic levels of primidone and phenobarbital Assessing toxicity

MLHPB - Overview: MLH1 Hypermethylation Analysis, Blood

As an adjunct to positive hypermethylation in tumor to distinguish between somatic and germline hypermethylation As an adjunct to negative MLH1 germline testing in cases where colon or endometrial tumor demonstrates microsatellite...

NIS - Overview: Nickel, Serum

Confirmation of an elevated urinary nickel concentration This test is not useful for the investigation of nickel hypersensitivity.

EGFRS - Overview: EGFR Gene, Targeted Mutation Analysis, 51 Mutation Panel, Tumor

Identifying non-small cell lung cancers that may respond to epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted therapies

CHLBF - Overview: Cholesterol, Body Fluid

Aiding in the diagnosis of a cholesterol effusion or cholesterol-rich pseudochylous effusion in body fluids Distinguishing between chylous and pseudochylous pleural effusions Distinguishing between malignant and nonmalignant ascites