Suggested for -nE:
F2ISO - Overview: F2-Isoprostanes, Random, Urine
Assessment of in vivo lipid peroxidation Considered to be an index of systemic oxidative stress over time
BRAFV - Overview: BRAF V600E Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Identification of BRAF V600E-mutated protein
BLAST - Overview: Blastomyces Antibody, Enzyme Immunoassay, Serum
Aiding in the diagnosis of blastomycosis
DSGAB - Overview: Desmoglein 1 (DSG1) and Desmoglein 3 (DSG3), IgG Antibodies, Serum
Preferred screening test for patients suspected to have an autoimmune blistering disorder of the skin or mucous membranes (pemphigus) Aiding in the diagnosis of pemphigus
FOBT - Overview: Fecal Occult Blood, Colorectal Cancer Screen, Qualitative, Immunochemical, Feces
Colorectal cancer screening Screening for gastrointestinal bleeding This test has not been validated for testing of patients with hemoglobinopathies.
FCNAB - Overview: Chromatin (Nucleosomal) Antibody
Chromatin (Nucleosomal) Antibody
CYSTG - Overview: Cysticercosis (Taenia solium), IgG, Serum
Aid for the diagnosis of cysticercosis caused by infection with Taenia solium
NMHR - Overview: N-Methylhistamine, Random, Urine
Screening for and monitoring of mastocytosis and disorders of systemic mast-cell activation, such as anaphylaxis and other forms of severe systemic allergic reactions using random urine specimens Monitoring therapeutic progress in...
ANPAT - Overview: Anatomic Pathology Consultation, Wet Tissue
Obtaining a rapid, expert opinion on unprocessed specimens (lung tissue for immunofluorescence, cardiac biopsies, enucleated eye specimens, iris, conjunctiva, cornea, and other small eye biopsies) referred by a pathologist This test is not...
Detecting drug use involving stimulants, barbiturate, benzodiazepines, cocaine, opioids, tetrahydrocannabinol, alcohol, and nicotine This test is not intended for use in employment-related testing.