Test Catalog Search Results

RETZZ - Overview: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 Syndrome, RET, Full Gene Analysis, Varies

Evaluating patients with a personal or family history suggestive of a multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) or Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) Establishing a diagnosis of MEN2 or HSCR allowing for targeted cancer surveillance based on...

PBCPN - Overview: Primary Biliary Cholangitis Antibody Panel, Serum

Evaluation of at-risk or previously diagnosed primary biliary cholangitis patients with new features of other liver diseases or systemic autoimmune diseases

PMCAG - Overview: Postmortem Cardiomyopathy and Arrhythmia Gene Panel, Tissue

Providing a comprehensive postmortem genetic evaluation in the setting of a sudden death attributed to cardiomyopathy or suspicious for cardiac arrhythmia or with a personal or family history suggestive of a hereditary form of...

CDIFS - Overview: Clostridioides difficile Culture with Antimicrobial Susceptibilities, Varies

Providing an isolate suitable for antimicrobial susceptibility testing to direct antimicrobial therapy of extraluminal infections and in cases of treatment failure

JCV - Overview: JC Virus Detection by In Situ Hybridization

Confirming a clinical and histopathologic diagnosis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

QUIN - Overview: Quinidine, Serum

Assessing and adjusting quinidine dosage for optimal therapeutic level Assessing quinidine toxicity

TTGA - Overview: Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody, IgA, Serum

Assessment of tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies for evaluating patients suspected of having celiac disease, including patients with compatible clinical symptoms, patients with atypical symptoms, and individuals at increased risk...