LCCA - Overview: Identification, Candida auris, Rapid PCR (Bill Only)
Identification, Candida auris, Rapid PCR (Bill Only)
MYODT - Overview: MYOD1 Mutation Analysis, Next-Generation Sequencing, Tumor
Identifying specific mutations within the MYOD1 gene to assist in tumor diagnosis/classification Assisting in the clinical management of patients with spindle cell and sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma
ZW61 - Overview: Miscellaneous University of Minnesota Outreach Laboratory
Miscellaneous University of Minnesota Outreach Laboratory
NGTCL - Overview: MayoComplete T-Cell Lymphoma, Next-Generation Sequencing, Varies
Aiding in establishing diagnosis, refining prognosis, and potentially identifying targeted therapies for the optimal management of patients with T-cell lymphomas
MESOP - Overview: Mesothelioma Panel (WT1/KRT5/TTF1/pCEA) Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Differentiation of mesothelioma and non-small cell lung cancer
FMARP - Overview: Melanoma Associated Retinopathy MAR Panel by Immunoblot and IHC
Melanoma Associated Retinopathy MAR Panel by Immunoblot and IHC
ZW124 - Overview: Miscellaneous Sequenom
Miscellaneous Sequenom
NMITO - Overview: Nuclear Mitochondrial Gene Panel, Next-Generation Sequencing, Varies
Diagnosing the subset of mitochondrial disease that results from variants in the nuclear-encoded genes A second-tier test for patients in whom previous targeted gene variant analyses for specific mitochondrial disease-related genes were...
F8INP - Overview: Hemophilia A F8 Gene, Intron 1 and 22 Inversion Mutation Analysis, Prenatal
Prenatal testing for hemophilia A when a variant has not been identified in the family
HBAGP - Overview: Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen Prenatal, Serum
Diagnosis of acute, recent, or chronic hepatitis B Determination of chronic hepatitis B status Screening pregnant women for evidence of chronic hepatitis B (or hepatitis B carrier state) to identify neonates who are at high risk of...