FUSF - Overview: Low-Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma (LGFMS), 16p11.2 (FUS or TLS) Rearrangement, FISH, Tissue

Supporting the diagnosis of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma when used in conjunction with an anatomic pathology consultation

CDIFS - Overview: Clostridioides difficile Culture with Antimicrobial Susceptibilities, Varies

Providing an isolate suitable for antimicrobial susceptibility testing to direct antimicrobial therapy of extraluminal infections and in cases of treatment failure

MPS1Z - Overview: Hurler Syndrome, Full Gene Analysis, Varies

Identifying variants within the IDUA gene Confirmation of a diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS-I) Carrier testing when there is a family history of MPS- I, but disease-causing variants have not been previously identified