Test Catalog Search Results

PCTTC - Overview: Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody, Type Tr (PCA-Tr) Titer, Spinal Fluid

Serological testing for Purkinje cell cytoplasmic antibody-Tr for patients with acquired cerebellar ataxia of undetermined etiology, particularly if the patient has a history of Hodgkin lymphoma Reporting an end titer result from spinal...

PDETS - Overview: Phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) IgG, Tissue Immunofluorescence Titer, Serum

Reporting an end titer result from phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) in serum specimens Evaluation of autoimmune/paraneoplastic neurological syndromes among patients presenting with movement disorders and encephalopathy