CORTO - Overview: Cortisol, Free and Total, Serum
Assessment of cortisol status in cases where there is known or a suspected abnormality in cortisol-binding proteins or albumin Assessment of adrenal function in the critically ill or stressed patient, thus preventing unnecessary use of...
PRS8P - Overview: Hereditary Prostate Cancer Panel, Varies
Evaluating patients with a personal or family history suggestive of a hereditary prostate cancer syndrome Establishing a diagnosis of a hereditary prostate cancer syndrome allowing for targeted cancer surveillance based on associated...
NGBCL - Overview: MayoComplete B-Cell Lymphoma, Next-Generation Sequencing, Varies
Aiding in establishing diagnosis, refining prognosis, and potentially identifying targeted therapies for the optimal management of patients with B-cell lymphomas
FGBP1 - Overview: Insulin-like Growth Factor-binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1)
Identify women who are at high risk for developing preeclampsia.
FCHCG - Overview: Chocolate/Cacao IgG
Chocolate/Cacao IgG
FHOBG - Overview: Venom Honey Bee IgG
Venom Honey Bee IgG
FBEBE - Overview: Bean Black (Phaseolus spp) IgE
Bean Black (Phaseolus spp) IgE
FWFHG - Overview: Venom W-F Hornet IgG
Venom W-F Hornet IgG
Carrot IgG
FQUIN - Overview: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) IgE
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) IgE