LDPU - Overview: Limited Drug Profile, 3 Drug Classes, Immunoassay, Random, Urine
Detecting drug use involving barbiturates, cocaine, and carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol This test is not intended for use in employment-related testing.
MYGLU - Overview: Myoglobin, Random, Urine
Confirming the presence of a myopathy
INHIB - Overview: Inhibin Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Identifying sex cord-stromal tumors
PCPX - Overview: Phencyclidine Confirmation, Chain of Custody, Random, Urine
Detection of drug abuse involving phencyclidine (street names: angel dust, hog, or angel hair) in urine specimens handled through the chain-of-custody process Chain of custody is required whenever the results of testing could be used in a...
P63 - Overview: p63 Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Aiding in identifying squamous, urothelial, or myoepithelial differentiation in tumors
UBIQ - Overview: Ubiquitin (UBIQ) Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Classification of neurodegenerative diseases
HCQ - Overview: Hydroxychloroquine, Serum
Monitoring serum hydroxychloroquine concentrations, assessing compliance, and adjusting dosage in patients
IMIPR - Overview: Imipramine and Desipramine, Serum
Monitoring imipramine and desipramine concentrations during therapy Evaluating potential imipramine and desipramine toxicity May aid in evaluating patient compliance
NCSRY - Overview: Nicotine Survey, Serum
Monitoring tobacco use in a health fair setting
CHLGP - Overview: Cholestasis Gene Panel, Varies
Establishing a molecular diagnosis for patients with monogenic cholestasis Identifying variants within genes known to be associated with primary, monogenic cholestasis, allowing for predictive testing of at-risk family members This panel...