Test Catalog Search Results

SSH24 - Overview: Supersaturation Profile, Self-Collect, 24 Hour, Urine

Diagnosis and management of patients with renal lithiasis: -Predicting the likely composition of the stone, in patients who have a radiopaque stone, for whom stone analysis is not available -May aid in designing a treatment program Aiding...

CMAH - Overview: Chromosomal Microarray, Hematologic Disorders, Varies

Detection and characterization of clonal copy number imbalance and loss of heterozygosity associated with hematologic neoplasms Assisting in the diagnosis and classification of certain hematologic neoplasms Evaluating the prognosis for...

RKUR - Overview: Potassium, Random, Urine

Determining the cause for hyper- or hypokalemia using a random urine specimen

ENDCP - Overview: Hereditary Endocrine Cancer Panel, Varies

Evaluating patients with a personal or family history suggestive of a hereditary endocrine tumor syndrome Establishing a diagnosis of a hereditary endocrine tumor syndrome, allowing for targeted surveillance based on associated risks...

MUGS - Overview: Hexosaminidase A, Serum

Second-order test for diagnosing the B1 variant of Tay-Sachs disease This test is not useful for testing for Sandhoff disease.