Test Catalog Search Results

SP5TC - Overview: Septin-5 Antibody, Tissue Immunofluorescence, Spinal Fluid

Detecting septin-5 IgG in spinal fluid (CSF) specimens Reporting an end titer result from CSF specimens

TTFK5 - Overview: Thyroid Transcription Factor 1 (TTF1) (SPT24) and Keratin 5 (KRT5) Immunostain, Technical Component Only

Thyroid transcription factor 1aids in the classification of carcinomas of unknown origin Keratin 5 aids in the identification of squamous cell carcinoma

B6PRO - Overview: Vitamin B6 Profile (Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate and Pyridoxic Acid), Plasma

Determining vitamin B6 status, including in persons who present with progressive nerve compression disorders, such as carpal tunnel and tarsal tunnel syndromes Determining the overall success of a vitamin B6 supplementation program...

FLUC - Overview: 5-Flucytosine, Serum

Monitoring serum concentration during therapy Evaluating potential toxicity May aid in evaluating patient compliance

IL5P - Overview: Interleukin 5, Plasma

Evaluation of patients with disorders known to be associated with hypereosinophilia

CRMTS - Overview: Collapsin Response-Mediator Protein-5 (CRMP-5) Neuronal IgG Titer, Serum

Evaluation of neurological autoimmunity particularly that associated with small-cell lung carcinoma and thymoma Reporting an end titer result from serum specimens

CRMTC - Overview: Collapsin Response-Mediator Protein-5 (CRMP-5) Neuronal IgG Titer, Spinal Fluid

Evaluation of neuroautoimmunity, particularly small-cell lung carcinoma and thymoma, in conjunction with other antineuronal antibodies Reporting an end titer result from cerebrospinal fluid specimens

HIAAP - Overview: 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid, Plasma

Biochemical diagnosis and monitoring of intestinal carcinoid syndrome using a plasma specimen