FMETN - Overview: Metformin, Plasma
Metformin, Plasma
FBFPI - Overview: Bird Fancier's Precipitin Panel I
Bird Fancier's Precipitin Panel I
FGFP2 - Overview: IgG4 Food Panel II
IgG4 Food Panel II
FACEC - Overview: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, CSF
Support diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis. May be used to evaluate treatment response.
FGANP - Overview: Ganciclovir, Plasma
Ganciclovir, Plasma
FHCCF - Overview: THC Confirmation, MS, SP
THC Confirmation, MS, SP
FWARP - Overview: Warfarin, Plasma
Warfarin, Plasma
Corn IgG4
FNAD - Overview: Nadolol, Serum/Plasma
Nadolol, Serum/Plasma