Test Catalog Search Results

CASF - Overview: IgG/Albumin Ratio, Spinal Fluid

Assessment of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) IgG/albumin ratio in the absence of a paired CSF and serum specimen

HCO3 - Overview: Bicarbonate, Serum

Diagnosis and treatment of acid-base imbalance in respiratory and metabolic systems

COKEU - Overview: Cocaine and Metabolite Confirmation, Random, Urine

Detecting and confirming drug abuse involving cocaine This test is not intended for employment-related testing.

RNAUR - Overview: Sodium, Random, Urine

Assessing acid-base balance, water balance, water intoxication, and dehydration

AFOLR - Overview: Folate Receptor Alpha (FOLR1), Semi-Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Manual

Diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer that may be eligible for treatment with an anti-folate receptor 1 protein antibody

FL - Overview: Fluoride, Plasma

Assessing accidental fluoride ingestion Monitoring patients receiving sodium fluoride for bone disease or patients receiving voriconazole therapy

POU - Overview: Phosphorus, 24 Hour, Urine

Evaluation of hypo- or hyper-phosphatemic states Evaluation of patients with nephrolithiasis

ADULT - Overview: Adulterants Survey, Random, Urine

Assessment of possible adulteration of a urine specimen submitted for drug of abuse testing Providing the creatinine concentration for normalization purposes