BWRS - Overview: Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome/Russell-Silver Syndrome, Molecular Analysis, Varies
Confirming a clinical diagnosis of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) or Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS) Prenatal diagnosis if there is a high suspicion of BWS/RSS based on ultrasound findings or in families at risk for BWS/RSS This assay...
QUAD1 - Overview: Quad Screen (Second Trimester) Maternal, Serum
Prenatal screening for open neural tube defect (alpha-fetoprotein only), trisomy 21 (alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, estriol, and inhibin A) and trisomy 18 (alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, and estriol)
SEQB - Overview: Sequential Maternal Screening, Part 2, Serum
Prenatal screening for Down syndrome, neural tube defects, and trisomy 18 Identifying abnormal levels of alpha-fetoprotein in the second trimester
DMNES - Overview: Peripheral Nervous System Demyelinating Neuropathy, Autoimmune Evaluation, Serum
Evaluating patients with a suspected immune-mediated demyelinating peripheral neuropathy
ACARP - Overview: Acanthamoeba species Molecular Detection, PCR, Ocular
Aids in the diagnosis of amebic keratitis in conjunction with clinical findings
ANPAT - Overview: Anatomic Pathology Consultation, Wet Tissue
Obtaining a rapid, expert opinion on unprocessed specimens (lung tissue for immunofluorescence, cardiac biopsies, enucleated eye specimens, iris, conjunctiva, cornea, and other small eye biopsies) referred by a pathologist This test is not...
GAST - Overview: Gastrin, Serum
Investigation of patients with achlorhydria or pernicious anemia Investigation of patients suspected of having Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Diagnosis of gastrinoma
AMYR - Overview: Beta-Amyloid Ratio (1-42/1-40), Spinal Fluid
Assisting in the evaluation of adult patients, aged 55 years and older, presenting with cognitive impairment and are being assessed for Alzheimer disease and other causes of cognitive decline This test is not intended as a screening or...
CATU - Overview: Catecholamine Fractionation, Free, 24 Hour, Urine
An auxiliary test to fractionated plasma and urine metanephrine measurements in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma An auxiliary test to urine vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid determination in the diagnosis and...
MCLBP - Overview: MayoComplete Liquid Biopsy Panel, Next-Generation Sequencing, Cell-Free DNA
As an alternative to invasive tissue biopsies to assist in tumor profiling for diagnosis, predicting prognosis, and identifying targeted therapies for the treatment and management of patients with solid tumors As an alternative to invasive...