PNYG - Overview: Phenytoin, Total and Phenobarbital Group, Serum
Monitoring for appropriate therapeutic concentration of phenytoin and phenobarbital Assessing compliance or toxicity
BAIPD - Overview: Bile Acids for Peroxisomal Disorders, Serum
Biomarker for peroxisomal biogenesis disorders, such as Zellweger spectrum disorder and single enzyme defects of bile acid synthesis, including D-bifunctional protein deficiency and alpha methyl CoA racemases Monitoring patients receiving...
NPM1Q - Overview: Nucleophosmin (NPM1) Mutation Analysis, Varies
As a prognostic indicator in patients with newly diagnosed acute myelogenous leukemia with normal karyotype and no FLT3 variant and as a leukemia-specific marker of minimal residual disease
HERMB - Overview: HER2, Breast, Semi-Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Manual with HER2 FISH Reflex
Determining overexpression of HER2 protein on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections
SCL70 - Overview: Scl 70 Antibodies, IgG, Serum
Evaluating patients with clinical features of systemic sclerosis and in the differential evaluation of individuals at-risk for connective tissue disease with Hep-2 substrate antinuclear antibody positive result, preferably using antinuclear...
EGFRS - Overview: EGFR Gene, Targeted Mutation Analysis, 51 Mutation Panel, Tumor
Identifying non-small cell lung cancers that may respond to epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted therapies
HSMP - Overview: Hepatosplenomegaly Panel, Plasma
As a component to the initial evaluation of a patient presenting with hepatosplenomegaly, using plasma specimens This test is not useful for the identification of carriers. This test should not be used as a monitoring tool for patients...
CAH2T - Overview: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Newborn Screen, Blood Spot
Second-tier testing of newborns with abnormal screening result for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Supporting the diagnosis of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma when used in conjunction with an anatomic pathology consultation
ORXNA - Overview: Orexin-A/Hypocretin-1, Spinal Fluid
Aiding in the diagnosis and differentiation of type 1 narcolepsy from other causes of hypersomnolence This assay is not intended for use as a screening test.