FNEU - Overview: Neurotransmitter Metabolites (5HIAA, HVA, 3OMD) (CSF)
Neurotransmitter Metabolites (5HIAA, HVA, 3OMD) (CSF)
AIAES - Overview: Axonal Neuropathy, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum
Evaluation of patients who present with a subacute neurological disorder of undetermined etiology, especially those with known risk factors for cancer Directing a focused search for cancer Investigating neurological symptoms that appear...
MUPAN - Overview: Comprehensive Neuromuscular Gene Panel, Varies
Establishing a molecular diagnosis for patients with a neuromuscular disorder Identifying variants within genes known to be associated with neuromuscular disorders allowing for predictive testing of at-risk family members
SMAT - Overview: Smooth Muscle Antibody Titer, Serum
Antibody titer testing as a part of the evaluation of patients with hepatitis of unknown origin associated with hypergammaglobulinemia and/or abnormal liver enzymes
P504S - Overview: P504S Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Characterization of renal cell carcinoma and the identification of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate carcinoma
PQNU - Overview: Porphyrins, Quantitative, 24 Hour, Urine
Preferred screening test for congenital erythropoietic porphyria and porphyria cutanea tarda and during symptomatic periods for acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria, and variegate porphyria when specimen transport will be...
ROMA2 - Overview: Risk Score, if Postmenopausal, Serum
Calculating risk assessment for finding an ovarian malignancy during surgery in postmenopausal women who present with an adnexal mass
ANST - Overview: Androstenedione, Serum
Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of hyperandrogenism, in conjunction with measurements of other sex steroids Diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), in conjunction with measurement of other androgenic precursors,...
AADAM - Overview: ADAMTS13 Profile Interpretation
Technical interpretation of a profile to assist with the diagnosis of congenital, immune, or acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura including inhibitor studies
FMPP2 - Overview: Myocarditis/Pericarditis Panel
Myocarditis/Pericarditis Panel
Primary ciliary dyskinesia - Insights
Learn more about Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ robust approach to testing for primary ciliary dyskinesia, a rare genetic condition that can lead to chronic otosinopulmonary disease and infertility in men....
CPT Codes and LOINC Update: September 2019 - Insights
View a full list of new CPT codes, Test Classification Updates, LOINC Codes, and Z-Codes posted to mayocliniclabs.com during the month of September 2019....
note, CPT Code changes listed on this document are effective January 1st, 2025.*** ***Updates and other changes may occur, and be reflected on this document, leading up to 2025*** ***CPT Code Updates...
MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information MC1235297
MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Complete print Reset Form Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Instructions Accurate interpretation reporting...
New communication process for CPT Code changes - Insights
Mayo Clinic Laboratories (MCL) is pleased to announce an essential update to our CPT code communication process and website layout. This change is designed to bring timely notifications for accurate billing...