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HCSRN - Overview: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Screen with Reflex to HCV RNA, PCR, Asymptomatic, Serum

Screening for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in primary care settings in high-risk persons with a current or previous history of illicit injection drug use or a history of receiving a blood transfusion prior to 1992 Screening for...

MPS1B - Overview: Endogenous Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (IDUA [Alpha-L-Iduronidase]) Biomarker, Blood Spot

Second-tier testing of newborns with an abnormal primary screening result for mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) (decreased alpha-L-iduronidase activity) Follow-up testing for evaluation of an abnormal newborn screening result for MPS...

OSCAL - Overview: Osteocalcin, Serum

Monitoring and assessing effectiveness of antiresorptive therapy in patients treated for osteopenia, osteoporosis, Paget disease, or other disorders in which osteocalcin levels are elevated As an adjunct in the diagnosis of medical...

AGNTS - Overview: Anti-Glial/Neuronal Nuclear Antibody-Type 1 (AGNA-1) Titer, Serum

Reporting an end titer result from serum specimens Serological evaluation using serum specimens from patients who present with a subacute neurological disorder of undetermined etiology, especially those with risk factors for primary lung...

AGNTC - Overview: Anti-Glial/Neuronal Nuclear Antibody-Type 1 (AGNA-1) Titer, Spinal Fluid

Reporting an end titer result from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens Serological evaluation using CSF specimens from patients who present with a subacute neurological disorder of undetermined etiology, especially those with risk factors...

TCP - Overview: T-Cell Subsets, Naive, Memory, and Activated, Blood

Determining the presence of naive, memory, and activated T cells in various clinical contexts including autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency states, T-cell recovery post-hematopoietic stem cell transplant, DiGeorge syndrome, and as a...

MPS1R - Overview: Endogenous Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (IDUA [Alpha-L-Iduronidase]) Biomarker Reflex, Blood Spot

Second-tier testing of newborns with an abnormal primary screening result for mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I, decreased alpha-L-iduronidase activity) where quantitation of the glycosaminoglycans dermatan and heparan sulfate is desired...

MPS2R - Overview: Endogenous Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II (I2S [Iduronate-2-Sulfatase]) Biomarker Reflex, Blood Spot

Second-tier testing of newborns with an abnormal primary screening result for mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II, decreased iduronate-2-sulfatase) where quantitation of the glycosaminoglycans dermatan and heparan sulfate is desired in...

CMVC8 - Overview: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) CD8 T-Cell Immune Competence, Quantitative Assessment by Flow Cytometry, Blood

Assessing cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific immune competence in allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients who are at risk for developing late CMV disease (beyond day 100 after transplant) Assessing CMV-specific immune competence...

ACC - Overview: Adrenal Mass Panel, 24 Hour, Urine

Aiding in assessing malignancy in adrenal masses May aid in improving diagnostic and prognostic prediction and dissect disease mechanisms for the following applications: -Diagnostic assessment and follow up of adrenal cortical...

Site Search

Primary ciliary dyskinesia - Insights

Learn more about Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ robust approach to testing for primary ciliary dyskinesia, a rare genetic condition that can lead to chronic otosinopulmonary disease and infertility in men....

CPT Codes and LOINC Update: September 2019 - Insights

View a full list of new CPT codes, Test Classification Updates, LOINC Codes, and Z-Codes posted to during the month of September 2019....

note, CPT Code changes listed on this document are effective January 1st, 2025.*** ***Updates and other changes may occur, and be reflected on this document, leading up to 2025*** ***CPT Code Updates...

MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information MC1235297

MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Complete print Reset Form Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Instructions Accurate interpretation reporting...

New communication process for CPT Code changes - Insights

Mayo Clinic Laboratories (MCL) is pleased to announce an essential update to our CPT code communication process and website layout. This change is designed to bring timely notifications for accurate billing...