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24th International Surgical Pathology Symposium - Insights

The 24th International Surgical Pathology Symposium addresses common and uncommon diagnostic dilemmas encountered within surgical pathology practice. Prior to the symposium, participants will have the opportunity to review clinical...

24th International Surgical Pathology Symposium - Insights

The 24th International Surgical Pathology Symposium addresses common and uncommon diagnostic dilemmas encountered within surgical pathology practice. Prior to the symposium, participants will have the opportunity to review clinical...

Weeding Through the Information: Interpreting Laboratory Tests to Determine New vs. Residual Use of Marijuana - Insights

In this month's "Hot Topic," Paul Jannetto, Ph.D., identifies how to determine new vs. residual use of marijuana in a patient, and teaches how to calculate the carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (carboxy-THC) to creatinine ratio along with a...

Infective Endocarditis - Insights

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Robin Patel, M.D., will review the laboratory methods used to diagnose infectious endocarditis. Specifically, she’ll discuss the role of blood cultures, nucleic acid amplification tests, histopathology, and...

What Has OSHA Been up to? Most Commonly Cited Recent Findings for Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories Are Available - Insights

Pat Hlavka, CSP, Safety Coordinator at Mayo Clinic, discusses the most commonly cited Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspection findings for medical and diagnostic laboratories.

June 2023 - Gastroenterology Pathology - Insights

This "Pathways" program provides an Anatomic Pathology case that includes a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. This case sub-specialty is Gastroenterology Pathology.

New tests launched in January - Insights

In January 2023, Mayo Clinic Laboratories announced fifty-nine new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

Genetic testing - Insights

Learn more about how Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ genetic gastroenterology tests can provide diagnostic clarity across a range of inherited GI disorders.

Industry Archives - Page 6 of 6 - Insights

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Mayo Clinic Laboratory and Pathology Research Roundup: May 21 - Insights

This week's research roundup feature: Monoclonal immunoglobulin (MIg) crystalline nephropathies are rare lesions resulting from precipitation of MIgs in the kidney as crystalline inclusions. They can be categorized into lesions with...