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Scope of Services – Laboratory Medicine and Pathology [RDLMP.POL-63851]

Mayo Clinic Laboratories Scope of Services- Laboratory Medicine and Pathology PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide a written definition of the activities performed by the Department of Laboratory Medicine and...

Driving change in women's health testing through pioneering research and novel testing strategies - Insights

New diagnostic tests specifically for conditions that predominantly or only affect women, such as autoimmune diseases and gynecological cancers, are empowering female patients and their physicians to make informed decisions.

New tests launched in June - Insights

In June 2022, Mayo Clinic Laboratories announced forty-nine new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

Genetic liver disease - Insights

Identifying underlying genetic disorders plays an important role in the treatment and care of patients with liver disease. Appropriate use of screening tests in routine clinical practice can rule out possible causes of liver disease and...

Mayo Clinic Laboratory and Pathology Research Roundup: Dec. 18 - Insights

This week’s Research Roundup highlights different mutational rates and mechanisms in human cells at pregastrulation and neurogenesis.

Systems Engineering Archives - Insights

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RNA test identifies large B-cell lymphoma subtypes: Lisa Rimsza, M.D. - Insights

Lisa Rimsza, M.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' unique PM3CX test can accurately determine subtypes of large B-cell lymphoma. Precise diagnosis is critical to choosing appropriate chemotherapy.

Applying MASS-FIX to Urine Samples - Insights

In this month's "Hot Topic," David Murray, M.D., Ph.D., reviews the role of urine testing for monoclonal gammopathies and discusses Mayo Clinic’s use of MASS-FIX to replace traditional immunofixation testing.

Pediatric neuro-oncology informative cases - Insights

Neuro-oncology is a complex field undergoing rapid changes with the advancement and evolution of sophisticated genetic testing. Evidence continues to grow in support of broad molecular and cytogenetic analysis for patients with brain...