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What the Patient Considers When Choosing a Laboratory - Insights

Patients want to use a laboratory that is easy to work with, and there are different definitions of “easy.” Ultimately, health systems want to have the patients they serve use their health system laboratories. If patients are choosing to go...

New Tests Launched in September - Insights

In September 2018, Mayo Medical Laboratories announced two new tests along with numerous reference value changes, obsolete tests, and algorithm changes.

Leading a revolution in freight management for hospitals - Insights

A conversation with Matt Wood, director of Supply Chain Solutions developed by Mayo Clinic, about a little-known program available to help hospitals and other organizations greatly reduce their freight expenses.

Cases with Dr. Keeney: Case #1 - Insights

Ultimately, a pathologist has to commit to a diagnosis. Many trainees have difficulty committing to a diagnosis for fear of being wrong. Gary Keeney, M.D., Consultant in Division of Anatomic Pathology at Mayo Clinic, provides a unique...

Cases with Dr. Keeney: Case #3 - Insights

This case presents an unusual colon polyp on an asymptomatic early 70 year-old male. At the time of screening colonoscopy, two small left colon polyps were noted and excised. What is the diagnosis?

February 2023 - Hematopathology Case Two - Insights

This "Pathways" program provides a Clinical Pathology case that includes a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. This case sub-specialty is Hematopathology.

Pathways Case Studies: March 2020 - Insights

This "Pathways" program provides Anatomic and Clinical Pathology cases that include a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. Cases for March include the following sub-specialties: Bone and Soft Tissue, Clinical...

Phlebotomy Techniques Module Now Available - Insights

Mayo Clinic Laboratories Education is pleased to announce the release of its third Phlebotomy Module on “Phlebotomy Techniques.” This will be the third of a series of six modules to be released by the MCL Education team over time. The...

The Secrets of Cryoprecipitate: A Blood Banking Process - Insights

In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Jessie Swanson and Michelle Soland from the Component Laboratory will discuss the process improvement that helped decrease the standard cryoprecipitate dosage and the positive impact it has on patients.

Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy [Test in Focus] - Insights

Necrotizing autoimmune myopathy (NAM) is a serious but rare muscle disease strongly associated with autoantibodies to either the protein signal recognition particle (SRP) or the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase...