Database of unsolved patient sequencing results yields new answers - Insights
Mayo Clinic launched an automated system called RENEW — reanalysis of negative whole-exome/genome data — in 2022 that tracks newly published discoveries of disease-causing genetic variants. Every three months, the system automatically...
COVID-19 & influenza testing algorithm arms Mayo Clinic for the upcoming flu season - Insights
Flu season is just now unfolding. But this time, it’s piggy-backed with a pandemic, which threatens to spike with the colder weather as people huddle indoors. Adding to this conundrum is the unsettling fact that, for both COVID-19 and the...
Antibody Prevalence in Epilepsy and Encephalopathy (APE2) Score - Insights
In this month’s “Hot Topic,” Divyanshu Dubey, M.B.B.S., discusses how patients with encephalopathy and/or epilepsy of unknown etiology may have an autoimmune or paraneoplastic cause.
Defying all odds and exploring a remarkable journey beyond diagnosis: Mike Knudson - Insights
In August of 2021, 28-year-old Mike Knudson, a Twin Cities resident known for his vibrant and active lifestyle, set out on what he anticipated to be an adventurous hiking vacation to the picturesque Glacier National Park in Montana. Little...
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The purpose of the panel was to provide insight into how some health care systems are paving the way for value-based care.
Detecting danger: Dan O'Bryan - Insights
Dan O’Bryan didn’t think his dizziness and lightheadedness were anything to worry about. Nearly 100 miles away, the team at Mayo Clinic that was remotely monitoring Dan’s heart could see the truth.
Plasma Test Increases Access to Alzheimer's Testing: Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, Ph.D. - Insights
Plasma Test Increases Access to Alzheimer’s Testing: Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, Ph.D. Answers From the Lab In this episode of “Answers From the Lab,”
March 2023 - Hematopathology & Laboratory Genetics and Genomics - Insights
This "Pathways" program provides a Clinical Pathology case that includes a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. This case's sub-specialties are Hematopathology and Laboratory Genetics and Genomics.
Focused lung panel informs the use of targeted cancer therapies - Insights
Ying-Chun Lo, M.D., Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' updated lung panel can better guide clinical decision-making, particularly about targeted lung cancer therapies.