Test Catalog Search Results

BLPMF - Overview: B-Cell Lymphoma, Specified FISH, Varies

Detecting, at diagnosis, common chromosome abnormalities associated with specific B-cell lymphoma subtypes using client specified FISH probes

CRDPP - Overview: Creatine Disorders Panel, Plasma

Evaluating patients with a clinical suspicion of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency, guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency, and creatine transporter deficiency using plasma specimens

CRDPS - Overview: Creatine Disorders Panel, Serum

Evaluating patients with a clinical suspicion of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency,guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency, and creatine transporter deficiency using serum specimens

PHOS - Overview: Phosphorus (Inorganic), Serum

Diagnosis and management of a variety of disorders including bone, parathyroid, and kidney disease

ACC - Overview: Adrenal Mass Panel, 24 Hour, Urine

Aiding in assessing malignancy in adrenal masses May aid in improving diagnostic and prognostic prediction and dissect disease mechanisms for the following applications: -Diagnostic assessment and follow up of adrenal cortical...

DYS2 - Overview: Dysautonomia, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum

Investigating idiopathic dysautonomic symptoms Directing a focused search for cancer in patients with idiopathic dysautonomia Investigating autonomic symptoms that appear in the course or wake of cancer therapy and are not explainable by...

GID2 - Overview: Gastrointestinal Dysmotility, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum

Investigating unexplained weight loss, early satiety, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea in a patient with a past or family history of cancer or autoimmunity Directing a focused search for cancer Investigating...

PAC1 - Overview: Paraneoplastic, Autoantibody Evaluation, Spinal Fluid

Aiding in the diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurological autoimmune disorders related to carcinoma of lung, breast, ovary, thymoma, or Hodgkin lymphoma using spinal fluid specimens