Suggested for -nE:
MACK - Overview: Mackerel, IgE, Serum
Establishing the diagnosis of an allergy to mackerel Defining the allergen responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms Identifying allergens: -Responsible for allergic response and/or anaphylactic episode -To confirm sensitization...
FFMSS - Overview: Maternal Serum Screening, Integrated, Specimen #1, PAPP-A, NT
Helpful to identify pregnancies at increased risk of having a child with Down Syndrome (DS), open neural tube defects (ONTD) and trisomy 18 (T18). This test is not diagnostic.
ORTHP - Overview: Orthostatic Proteinuria, Random, Urine
Diagnosis of orthostatic proteinuria
FFMTH - Overview: Meconium Methadone Screen with Reflex Confirmation
Meconium Methadone Screen with Reflex Confirmation
MYCOG - Overview: Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antibodies, IgG, Serum
Screening for IgG antibodies in the indication of recent or past exposure to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
NF2F - Overview: Neurofilament (2F11) Immunostain, Technical Component Only
Aiding in the identification of neoplastic cells of neural origin or those exhibiting neuronal differentiation
CCTR - Overview: Calcium/Creatinine Ratio, Random, Urine
Calculation of calcium concentration per creatinine concentration
CHIC - Overview: Chicken, IgE, Serum
Establishing a diagnosis of an allergy to chicken Defining the allergen responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms Identifying allergens: -Responsible for allergic response and/or anaphylactic episode -To confirm sensitization prior...
CRAY - Overview: Crayfish, IgE, Serum
Establishing the diagnosis of an allergy to crayfish Defining the allergen responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms Identifying allergens: -Responsible for allergic response and/or anaphylactic episode -To confirm sensitization prior...
Aiding in the diagnosis of California (La Crosse) encephalitis using spinal fluid specimens