PINW - Overview: Pinworm Exam, Perianal

Detection of the eggs of Enterobius vermicularis on the skin of the perianal folds

ALBR - Overview: Albumin, Random, Urine

Assessing the potential for early onset of nephropathy in diabetic patients using random urine specimens

ALDEF - Overview: Alpha Defensin, Lateral Flow Assay, Synovial Fluid

Detection of alpha defensins 1-3, human host response proteins, in synovial fluid of adults with a total joint replacement who are being evaluated for revision surgery This test is not intended to be used to determine timing for...

AFPA - Overview: Alpha-Fetoprotein, Amniotic Fluid

Screening for open neural tube defects or other fetal abnormalities Follow-up testing for patients with elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein results or in conjunction with cytogenetic testing