Suggested for -nE:
PERAM - Overview: Perampanel, Serum
Monitoring serum concentration of perampanel, in specific clinical conditions (ie, severe kidney impairment, mild to moderate hepatic impairment, and end-stage kidney disease) Assessing compliance Assessing potential toxicity
NTRK - Overview: NTRK Gene Fusion Panel, Tumor
Identifying solid tumors that may respond to targeted therapies by simultaneously assessing for fusions involving targeted regions of the NTRK1, NTRK2, and NTRK3 genes resulting in fusion transcripts. This test is not useful for...
ETV6F - Overview: ETV6 (12p13.2) Rearrangement, FISH, Tissue
Detection of ETV6 rearrangements irrespective of the ETV6 fusion partner gene Supporting the diagnosis of many neoplasms including, but not limited to, mammary analogue secretory carcinoma, secretory carcinoma of the breast, and infantile...
GALE - Overview: Uridine Diphosphate-Galactose 4' Epimerase, Blood
Diagnosis of uridine diphosphate-galactose 4' epimerase deficiency
FHC18 - Overview: 18-Hydroxycorticosterone, Serum
18-Hydroxycorticosterone, Serum
ACHE_ - Overview: Acetylcholinesterase, Amniotic Fluid
Diagnosing open neural tube defects and, to a lesser degree, ventral wall defects
AERMC - Overview: Aeromonas Culture, Feces
Determining whether Aeromonas species may be the cause of diarrhea This test is generally not useful for patients hospitalized more than 3 days because the yield from specimens from these patients is very low, as is the likelihood of...
ALPRT - Overview: Alport (Collagen IV Alpha 5 and Alpha 2) Immunofluorescent Stain, Renal Biopsy
Assisting in the diagnosis of hereditary nephritis (Alport syndrome)
ACT - Overview: Actinomyces Culture, Varies
Diagnosing anaerobic Actinomyces involved in infections
TRAM - Overview: Tramadol and Metabolite, Random, Urine
Monitoring of compliance utilizing tramadol Detection and confirmation of the illicit use of tramadol This test is not intended for use in employment-related testing.