Test Catalog Search Results

WAGDR - Overview: Alpha Globin Cluster Locus Deletion/Duplication, Blood

Diagnosis of alpha-thalassemia Carrier screening for individuals from high-risk populations for alpha-thalassemia This test is not useful for diagnosis or confirmation of beta-thalassemia or hemoglobinopathies.

RNAP - Overview: RNA Polymerase III Antibodies, IgG, Serum

Evaluating patients suspected of having systemic sclerosis as part of systemic sclerosis criteria antibody tests Providing diagnostic and prognostic information in patients with systemic sclerosis

HEAB - Overview: Hepatitis B Virus e Antibody, Serum

Determining the presence or absence of detectable hepatitis B virus e antibody in monitoring infection status of individuals with chronic hepatitis B Determining infectivity of hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers Monitoring serologic...

TGQN - Overview: Thyroglobulin, Tumor Marker, Serum

Quantitative thyroglobulin measurement as a part of evaluating suspected interference from heterophile antibodies causing a falsely elevated thyroglobulin result

RIB - Overview: Ribosome P Antibodies, IgG, Serum

As an adjunct in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) May be useful in the phenotypic stratification of SLE patients at risk for neuropsychiatric SLE, lupus nephritis and/or hepatitis