BHISI - Overview: Bone Histomorphometry, Consultant Interpretation, Slides Only
Identifying undetermined metabolic bone disease in submitted slide specimens Diagnosing renal osteodystrophy Diagnosing osteomalacia Diagnosing osteoporosis Diagnosing Paget disease Assessing the effects of therapy Identifying...
ALB - Overview: Albumin, Serum
Assessing nutritional status
AMOBS - Overview: Amobarbital, Serum
Monitoring amobarbital therapy
CDP - Overview: Chlordiazepoxide and Metabolite, Serum
Monitoring chlordiazepoxide therapy Assessing toxicity
DOXA1 - Overview: Oxalate Analysis, Hemodialysate
Determining the amount of oxalate removed during a dialysis session Individualizing the dialysis prescription of hyperoxaluric patients
HEXP - Overview: Iohexol, Plasma
Determining glomerular filtration rate in plasma specimens
FPAN2 - Overview: Pancreastatin, Plasma
Pancreastatin, Plasma
ABADL - Overview: Adalimumab Antibody, Serum
Therapeutic drug monitoring of adalimumab antibody levels
Identifying HIV-1 genotypic mutations associated with resistance to nucleotide and non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, and integrase strain transfer inhibitors Guiding initiation or change of combination...
PLASF - Overview: Plasma Cell Proliferative Disorder, FISH, Tissue
Supporting the diagnosis of plasmacytoma or myeloma when coordinated with a surgical pathology consultation