TLYME - Overview: Lyme IgM and IgG, Whole Cell Sonicate, ELISA, Serum

Supplemental testing for samples with positive or equivocal first-tier test results for antibodies to Lyme disease causing Borrelia species This test should not be used as a screening procedure for the general population.

PLAFL - Overview: Platelet Surface Glycoprotein by Flow Cytometry, Blood

Identification of markedly decreased CD41 (GPIIb) and CD61 (GPIIIa) expression levels, which are diagnostic for Glanzmann thrombasthenia Identification of markedly decreased CD42a (GPIX) and CD42b (GPIb-alpha) expression levels, which are...

ATTI - Overview: Antithrombin Antigen, Plasma

Assessing abnormal results of the antithrombin activity assay (ATTF / Antithrombin Activity, Plasma), the recommended primary (screening) antithrombin assay Diagnosing antithrombin deficiency, acquired or congenital, in conjunction with...

VHPV - Overview: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaginal Detection with Genotyping for High-Risk Types by PCR

Detection of high-risk (HR) genotypes associated with the development of cervical cancer Aids in triaging women with abnormal Pap smear results Individual genotyping of human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 and/or HPV-18 if present Results of...

FAPCP - Overview: Fatty Acid Profile, Comprehensive (C8-C26), Serum

Monitoring patients undergoing diet therapy for mitochondrial or peroxisomal disorders (possibly inducing essential fatty acid deficiency in response to restricted fat intake) using serum specimens Monitoring treatment of essential fatty...

INHB - Overview: Inhibin B, Serum

Aiding in the diagnosis of granulosa cell tumors and mucinous epithelial ovarian tumors Monitoring of patients with granulosa cell tumors and epithelial mucinous-type tumors of the ovary known to overexpress inhibin B As an adjunct to...

CMMPS - Overview: Cobalamin, Methionine, and Methylmalonic Acid Pathways, Serum

Screening and monitoring patients suspected of or confirmed with an inherited disorder of methionine, cobalamin, or propionate metabolism using serum specimens Evaluating individuals with suspected deficiency of vitamin B12