Test Catalog Search Results

DMC2 - Overview: Dementia, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Spinal Fluid

Investigating new onset dementia and cognitive impairment plus 1 or more of the following accompaniments using cerebrospinal fluid specimens: -Rapid onset and progression -Fluctuating course -Psychiatric accompaniments (psychosis,...

ENS2 - Overview: Encephalopathy, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum

Evaluating, using serum specimens, new onset encephalopathy (noninfectious or metabolic) comprising confusional states, psychosis, delirium, memory loss, hallucinations, movement disorders, sensory or motor complaints, seizures, dyssomnias,...

RTRP2 - Overview: Tubular Reabsorption of Phosphorus, Random Urine and Serum

Assessing renal reabsorption of phosphorus in a variety of pathological conditions associated with hypophosphatemia including hypophosphatemic rickets, tumor-induced osteomalacia, and tumoral calcinosis Adjusting phosphate replacement...

MDC2 - Overview: Movement Disorder, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Spinal Fluid

Evaluating patients with suspected paraneoplastic or other autoimmune movement disorders including patients with ataxia, brainstem encephalitis, chorea, dyskinesias, myoclonus, and parkinsonism using spinal fluid specimens

MDS2 - Overview: Movement Disorder, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum

Evaluating patients with suspected paraneoplastic or other autoimmune movement disorders including patients with ataxia, brainstem encephalitis, chorea, dyskinesias, myoclonus, and parkinsonism using serum specimens

RFAMA - Overview: Renal Function Panel, Serum

Aiding in diagnosis and management of conditions affecting kidney function General health screening Screening patients at risk of developing kidney disease Management of patients with known kidney disease

PFN - Overview: Propafenone, Serum

Monitoring propafenone therapy Assessing potential propafenone toxicity

LPAGF - Overview: Lymphocyte Proliferation to Antigens, Blood

Assessing T-cell function in patients on immunosuppressive therapy, including solid-organ transplant patients Evaluating patients suspected of having impairment in cellular immunity Evaluation of T-cell function in patients with primary...

PFAPC - Overview: Fatty Acid Profile, Comprehensive (C8-C26), Plasma

Monitoring patients undergoing diet therapy for mitochondrial or peroxisomal disorders (possibly inducing essential fatty acid deficiency in response to restricted fat intake) using plasma specimens Monitoring treatment of essential fatty...

ENC2 - Overview: Encephalopathy, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Spinal Fluid

Evaluating new onset encephalopathy (noninfectious or metabolic) comprising confusional states, psychosis, delirium, memory loss, hallucinations, movement disorders, sensory or motor complaints, seizures, dyssomnias, ataxias, nausea,...