Histologic diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cutaneous diseases
Our consultative practice strives to provide the highest quality diagnostic consultative service, balancing optimal patient care with a cost-conscious approach that supports the rapid turnaround time for diagnostic results.
Test Id | Reporting Name | Available Separately | Always Performed |
LEV2P | Level 2 Gross and microscopic | No | No |
LEV3P | Level 3 Gross and microscopic | No | No |
LEV4P | Level 4 Gross and microscopic | No | No |
Laboratory approval is required prior to ordering this test. Contact Mayo Clinic Laboratories at 800-533-1710.
When this test is ordered, 1 of the 3 reflex tests will be performed at an additional charge. Appropriate additional stains and other ancillary testing may also be performed, at an additional charge, to determine a diagnosis.
For more information see Pathology Consultation Ordering Algorithm
Formalin-fixed tissues: Process/Embed
Serial sections: Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain/Light Microscopy
Skin Biopsy
Laboratory approval is required prior to ordering this test. Contact Mayo Clinic Laboratories at 800-533-1710.
When this test is ordered, 1 of the 3 reflex tests will be performed at an additional charge. Appropriate additional stains and other ancillary testing may also be performed, at an additional charge, to determine a diagnosis.
For more information see Pathology Consultation Ordering Algorithm
This test is only for a dermatopathology wet tissue consultation. For a dermatologic consultation on paraffin embedded tissue and slides, order PATHC / Pathology Consultation.
Attach the green "Attention Pathology" address label (T498) to the outside of the transport container before putting into the courier mailer.
All requisition and supporting information must be submitted in English.
Each of the following items is required:
1. All requisitions must be labeled with:
-Patient name, date of birth and medical record number
-Name and phone number of the referring pathologist or ordering physician
-Anatomic site and collection date
2. A brief patient history is essential to achieve a consultation fully relevant to the ordering clinician’s needs.
3. Preliminary diagnosis or differential diagnosis
4. Clinical and/or dermoscopic images should be included if available. Submit with the request via Epic Care Everywhere, Mayo Clinic Image Share, or external storage device.
Question ID | Description | Answers |
Q0000038 | Biopsy site? | |
Q0000201 | Clinical Diagnosis/Patient History: | |
Q0000025 | Contact physician name? |
Supplies: Dermatopathology Media (T101)
Sources: Skin or oral mucosa
Container/Tube: Screw-capped container or vial containing 10% formalin
Specimen Volume: Entire specimen
Collection Instructions: For scalp biopsies: when the differential diagnosis includes a scarring alopecia, 2 separate 4-mm punch biopsies are recommended (1 for vertical and 1 for horizontal sections). If a single scalp biopsy is received with the clinical diagnosis of a scarring alopecia, the specimen will be processed with horizontal sections.
Additional Information: STAT requests are not accepted for this test.
Size needed depends on diagnosis and size of lesion.
Specimen Type | Temperature | Time | Special Container |
Tissue | Ambient |
Histologic diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cutaneous diseases
Laboratory approval is required prior to ordering this test. Contact Mayo Clinic Laboratories at 800-533-1710.
When this test is ordered, 1 of the 3 reflex tests will be performed at an additional charge. Appropriate additional stains and other ancillary testing may also be performed, at an additional charge, to determine a diagnosis.
For more information see Pathology Consultation Ordering Algorithm
Dermatopathology involves histologic examination of skin biopsy and oral mucosal specimens.
Diagnosis and description of microscopic findings
Histologic diagnosis is based primarily on interpretation of hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections. Special histochemical stains, such as alcian blue, Giemsa, or periodic acid-Schiff, may be necessary in some cases.
Interpretation is based on evaluation of patterns including architectural and cytologic details, which are included in a microscopic description.
Specific diagnosis may require correlation with clinical information.
1. Lever WF, Schaumburg-Lever G. Histopathology of the Skin. 7th ed. JB Lippincott; 1990
2. Elder D, Elenitsas R, Ioffreda M, et al, eds. Atlas of Dermatopathology: Synopsis and Atlas of Lever's Histopathology of the Skin. 4th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2020
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded skin biopsy sections are stained and interpreted utilizing a bright-field microscope.(Elder DE, Elenitsas R, Rosenbach M, Murphy GF, Ruben AL, Xu X, eds. Lever's Histopathology of the Skin. 11th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2019)
Monday through Friday
Not Applicable
88302 (if appropriate)
88304 (if appropriate)
88305 (if appropriate)
Test Id | Test Order Name | Order LOINC Value |
DEXT | Dermatopathology Consult | 60570-9 |
Result Id | Test Result Name |
Result LOINC Value
Applies only to results expressed in units of measure originally reported by the performing laboratory. These values do not apply to results that are converted to other units of measure.
71139 | Interpretation | 33746-9 |
71140 | Participated in the Interpretation | No LOINC Needed |
71141 | Report electronically signed by | 19139-5 |
71142 | Addendum | 35265-8 |
71143 | Gross Description | 22634-0 |
71582 | Disclaimer | 62364-5 |
71854 | Case Number | 80398-1 |