Test Catalog

Test Id : DTPCO

ThinPrep with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Co-Test-Diagnostic, Varies

Useful For
Suggests clinical disorders or settings where the test may be helpful

Detection and diagnosis of cervical carcinoma or intraepithelial lesions and the presence or absence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) in women over age 30 at risk for cervical neoplasia


Detecting high-risk HPV genotypes associated with the development of cervical cancer


Aids in triaging women with abnormal Pap smear results


Individual genotyping of HPV-16 or HPV-18 if present


Aids in triaging women with positive HR-HPV 16 and 18, but negative Pap smear results

Reflex Tests
Lists tests that may or may not be performed, at an additional charge, depending on the result and interpretation of the initial tests.

Test Id Reporting Name Available Separately Always Performed
TPDPC Physician Interp Diagnostic No No
VHPV HPV Vaginal Detect / Genotyping PCR Yes No
HPV HPV with Genotyping, PCR, ThinPrep Yes No

Testing Algorithm
Delineates situations when tests are added to the initial order. This includes reflex and additional tests.

When this test is ordered, a ThinPrep Pap cytology diagnostic and human papillomavirus high-risk DNA detection with genotyping by polymerase chain reaction test will be performed at an additional charge.


If ThinPrep Pap results are abnormal, a pathologist will review the case at an additional charge.

Method Name
A short description of the method used to perform the test

ThinPrep Pap Cytology Screening by Light Microscopy/Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

NY State Available
Indicates the status of NY State approval and if the test is orderable for NY State clients.


Reporting Name
Lists a shorter or abbreviated version of the Published Name for a test

ThinPrep w/HPV Co-Test-Diagnostic

Lists additional common names for a test, as an aid in searching


Testing Algorithm
Delineates situations when tests are added to the initial order. This includes reflex and additional tests.

When this test is ordered, a ThinPrep Pap cytology diagnostic and human papillomavirus high-risk DNA detection with genotyping by polymerase chain reaction test will be performed at an additional charge.


If ThinPrep Pap results are abnormal, a pathologist will review the case at an additional charge.

Specimen Type
Describes the specimen type validated for testing


Ordering Guidance

1. Mayo Clinic Laboratories' clients need prior laboratory approval to order Cytology testing.

2. Due to the transient nature of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in younger patients, this test is not recommended for patients younger than 30 years of age; order DTHPV / ThinPrep Diagnostic with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Reflex, Varies for women, under the age of 30, with abnormal Pap smear results.

Necessary Information

1. An acceptable cytology request form must accompany specimen containers and include the following: Patient's name, medical record number, date of birth, sex, source (exact location and procedure used), date specimen was taken, name of ordering physician and pager number.

2. Submit any pertinent history or clinical information.


Question ID Description Answers
CY002 Pap Smear Source Cervical/Endocervical
CY003 Clinical History
CY004 Menstrual Status (LMP, PM, Pregnant)
CY005 Hormone Thereapy/ Contraceptives Oral Contraceptives
Hormone Replacement Therapy
None/Not known

Specimen Required
Defines the optimal specimen required to perform the test and the preferred volume to complete testing

Patient Preparation: For optimal interpretation, Papanicolaou smears should be collected near the middle of the menstrual cycle. No douching, lubricant use, and sexual intercourse for 24 hours prior to specimen collection.


Only 1 aliquot may be removed from PreservCyt sample vial prior to performing the ThinPrep Pap Test, regardless of the volume of the aliquot (maximum aliquot volume: 4 mL).


Submit only 1 of the following specimens:


Specimen Type: Cervical

Supplies: ThinPrep Media with Broom Kit (T056)

Collection Container/Tube: ThinPrep

Specimen Volume: 16 mL

Collection Instructions:

1. Obtain adequate sampling from cervix using a broom-like collection device. If desired, use lukewarm water to warm and lubricate the speculum. Insert the central bristles of the broom into the endocervical canal deep enough to allow the shorter bristles to fully contact the ectocervix. Push gently and rotate the broom in a clockwise direction 5 times.

2. Rinse the broom as quickly as possible into the PreservCyt solution vial by pushing broom into bottom of vial 10 times, forcing the bristles apart.

3. As a final step, swirl broom vigorously to further release material. Discard the collection device.

4. Tighten cap on vial so that the torque line on the cap passes the torque line on the vial.

5. Specimen vial must be labeled with a minimum of 2 unique identifiers (patient's name and medical record number or date of birth).

6. Bag ThinPrep specimens individually as they have a tendency to leak during transport.

7. Place labels on the vial and on the bag.


Specimen Type: Ectocervix and endocervix

Supplies: ThinPrep Media with Spatula and Brush Kit (T434)

Collection Container/Tube: ThinPrep

Specimen Volume: 16 mL

Collection Instructions:

1. Obtain an adequate sampling from the ectocervix using a plastic spatula. If desired, use lukewarm water to warm and lubricate the speculum. Select contoured end of plastic spatula and rotate it 360 degrees around the entire exocervix while maintaining tight contact with exocervical surface.

2. Rinse spatulas quickly as possible into the PreservCyt solution vial by swirling spatula vigorously in vial 10 times. Discard the spatula.

3. Next, obtain an adequate specimen from endocervix using an endocervical brush device. Insert the brush into the cervix until only the bottommost fibers are exposed. Slowly rotate one-quarter or one-half turn in 1 direction. Do not over rotate.

4. Rinse the brush as quickly as possible in the PreservCyt solution by rotating the device in the solution 10 times while pushing against the PreservCyt vial wall.

5. Swirl brush vigorously as final step to further release material. Discard the brush.

6. Tighten the cap so that the torque line on the cap passes the torque line on the vial.

7. Specimen vial must be labeled with a minimum of 2 unique identifiers (patient's name and medical record number or date of birth).

8. Bag ThinPrep specimens individually as they have a tendency to leak during transport.

9. Place labels on the vial and on the bag.

Special Instructions
Library of PDFs including pertinent information and forms related to the test


Specimen Minimum Volume
Defines the amount of sample necessary to provide a clinically relevant result as determined by the testing laboratory. The minimum volume is sufficient for one attempt at testing.

See Specimen Required

Reject Due To
Identifies specimen types and conditions that may cause the specimen to be rejected

SurePath vial Reject

Specimen Stability Information
Provides a description of the temperatures required to transport a specimen to the performing laboratory, alternate acceptable temperatures are also included

Specimen Type Temperature Time Special Container
Varies Ambient (preferred) 42 days THIN PREP
Refrigerated 42 days THIN PREP

Useful For
Suggests clinical disorders or settings where the test may be helpful

Detection and diagnosis of cervical carcinoma or intraepithelial lesions and the presence or absence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) in women over age 30 at risk for cervical neoplasia


Detecting high-risk HPV genotypes associated with the development of cervical cancer


Aids in triaging women with abnormal Pap smear results


Individual genotyping of HPV-16 or HPV-18 if present


Aids in triaging women with positive HR-HPV 16 and 18, but negative Pap smear results

Testing Algorithm
Delineates situations when tests are added to the initial order. This includes reflex and additional tests.

When this test is ordered, a ThinPrep Pap cytology diagnostic and human papillomavirus high-risk DNA detection with genotyping by polymerase chain reaction test will be performed at an additional charge.


If ThinPrep Pap results are abnormal, a pathologist will review the case at an additional charge.

Clinical Information
Discusses physiology, pathophysiology, and general clinical aspects, as they relate to a laboratory test

The majority (>99%) of cervical epithelial neoplasms are the result of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. High-risk HPV (HR-HPV) types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, and 68) can result in both low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), as well as invasive carcinoma.(1,2) Patients with both negative cytology and negative HPV have been shown to be at extremely low risk for cervical neoplasia.(1,2)


For women 30 years and older who have received a negative Pap smear test and concurrent negative HPV results, the American Cancer Society (ACS) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommendations for cervical screening state that physicians may lengthen the screening interval to 3 years when using the combined tests. Patients deemed to be at high risk by the clinician should still be screened more frequently.


The presence of HR-HPV types in cervical specimens identifies a subgroup of patients with a greater likelihood of having a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Current guidelines for follow-up of a cytology-negative/HPV-positive patient recommend repeat HPV testing in 12 months.(2)


Persistent infection with HPV is the principal cause of cervical cancer and its precursor cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).(1-3) The presence of HPV has been implicated in more than 99% of cervical cancers worldwide. HPV is a small, nonenveloped, double-stranded DNA virus, with a genome of approximately 8000 nucleotides. There are more than 118 different types of HPV and approximately 40 different HPVs that can infect the human anogenital mucosa. However, data suggest that 14 of these types (HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68) are considered high risk for the development of cervical cancer and its precursor lesions. Furthermore, HPV types 16 and 18 have been regarded as the genotypes most closely associated with progression to cervical cancer. HPV-16 is the most carcinogenic and is associated with approximately 60% of all cervical cancers, while HPV-18 accounts for approximately 10% to 15% of cervical cancers.(4-6)


Although persistent infection with HR-HPV is necessary for the development of cervical cancer and its precursor lesions, only a very small percentage of infections progress to these disease states. Sexually transmitted infection with HPV is extremely common, with estimates of up to 75% of all women being exposed to HPV at some point. However, almost all infected women will mount an effective immune response and clear the infection within 2 years without any long-term health consequences. An infection with any HPV type can produce CIN although this also usually resolves once the HPV infection has been cleared.


In developed countries with cervical cancer screening programs, the Pap smear has been used since the mid-1950s as the primary tool to detect early precursors to cervical cancer. Although it has decreased the death rates due to cervical cancer dramatically in those countries, the Pap smear and subsequent liquid-based cytology methods require subjective interpretation by highly trained cytopathologists and misinterpretation can occur. Cytological abnormalities are primarily due to infection with HPV; however, various inflammatory conditions or sampling variations can result in false-positive cytology results. Triage of an abnormal cytology result may involve repeat testing, colposcopy, and biopsy. A histologically confirmed high-grade lesion must be surgically removed or ablated in order to prevent the development of invasive cervical cancer.


DNA testing by polymerase chain reaction has become a standard, noninvasive method for determining the presence of a cervical HPV infection. Proper implementation of nucleic acid testing for HPV may increase the sensitivity of cervical cancer screening programs by detecting high-risk lesions earlier in women 30 years and older with normal cytology and reduce the need for unnecessary colposcopy and treatment in patients 21 and older with cytology results showing atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance).


Recent data suggest that individual genotyping for HPV types 16 and 18 can assist in determining appropriate follow-up testing and triaging women at risk for progression to cervical cancer. Studies have shown that the absolute risk of CIN-2 or worse in HPV-16 and HPV-18 positive women is 11.4% (95% CI 8.4%-14.8%) compared with 6.1% (95% CI, 4.9%-7.2%) of women positive for other HR-HPV genotypes and 0.8% (95% CI, 0.3%-1.5%) in HR-HPV negative women.(7) Based in part on these data, the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) now recommends that HPV 16 and 18 genotyping be performed on women who are positive for HR-HPV but negative by routine cytology. Women who are found to be positive for HPV-16 or HPV-18 may be referred to colposcopy, while women who are negative for genotypes 16 and 18 may have repeat cytology and HR-HPV testing in 12 months.(4)

Reference Values
Describes reference intervals and additional information for interpretation of test results. May include intervals based on age and sex when appropriate. Intervals are Mayo-derived, unless otherwise designated. If an interpretive report is provided, the reference value field will state this.


Satisfactory for evaluation. Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy.



Negative for HPV genotypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68

Provides information to assist in interpretation of the test results


Standard reporting, as defined by the Bethesda System is utilized.


Human papillomavirus (HPV):

A positive result indicates the presence of HPV DNA due to 1 or more of the following genotypes: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68.


A negative result indicates the absence of HPV DNA of the targeted genotypes.


For patients with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) Pap smear result and who are positive for high-risk HPV (HR-HPV), consider referral for colposcopy, if clinically indicated.


For women aged 30 years and older with a negative Pap smear result, but who are positive for HPV-16 or HPV-18, consider referral for colposcopy, if clinically indicated.


For women aged 30 years and older with a negative Pap smear, positive HR-HPV test result, but who are negative for HPV-16 and HPV-18, consider repeat testing by both cytology and a HR-HPV test in 12 months.

Discusses conditions that may cause diagnostic confusion, including improper specimen collection and handling, inappropriate test selection, and interfering substances

The Pap test is a screening test for cervical cancer with inherent false-negative results. A negative human papillomavirus (HPV) test or Pap smear result does not preclude the presence of carcinoma or intraepithelial lesion. The false-negative rates of the Pap test range from 15% to 30%.


The cobas HPV test detects DNA of the high-risk types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68. This test does not detect DNA of HPV low-risk types (eg, 6, 11, 42, 43, 44) since these are not associated with cervical cancer and its precursor lesions.


The cobas HPV test is not recommended for evaluation of suspected sexual abuse.


Prevalence of HPV infection in a population may affect performance. Positive predictive values decrease when testing populations with low prevalence or individuals with no risk of infection.


Infection with HPV is not an indicator of cytologic high grade intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) or underlying high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), nor does it imply that CIN2-3 or cancer will develop. Most women infected with 1 or more high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) types do not develop CIN2-3 or cancer.


A negative HR-HPV result does not exclude the possibility of future cytologic HSIL or underlying CIN2-3 or cancer.

Clinical Reference
Recommendations for in-depth reading of a clinical nature

1. Lorincz AT, Richart RM: Human papillomavirus DNA testing as an adjunct to cytology in cervical screening programs. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2003 Aug;127(8):959-968

2. Wright TC Jr, Schiffman M: Adding a test for human papillomavirus DNA to cervical-cancer screening. N Engl J Med. 2003 Feb 6;348(6):489-490

3. Solomon D, Davey D, Kurman R, et al: The 2001 Bethesda System: terminology for reporting results of cervical cytology. JAMA. 2002 Apr 24;287(16):2114-2119

4. Saslow D, Solomon D, Lawson HW, et al: American Cancer Society, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, and American Society for Clinical Pathology screening guidelines for the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2012 Jul;16(3):175-204

5. Walboomers JM, Jacobs MV, Manos MM, et al: Human papillomavirus is a necessary cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide. J Pathol. 1999 Sep;189(1):12-19

6. de Sanjose S, Quint WG, Alemany L, et al: Human papillomavirus genotype attribution in invasive cervical cancer: a retrospective cross-sectional worldwide study. Lancet Oncol. 2010 Nov;11(11):1048-1056

7. Wright TC Jr, Stoler MH, Sharma A, Zhang G, Behrens C, Wright TL: Evaluation of HPV-16 and HPV-18 genotyping for the triage of women with high-risk HPV positive, cytology-negative results. Am J Clin Pathol. 2011 Oct;136(4):578-586

8. Massad LS, Einstein MH, Huh WK, et al: 2012 updated consensus guidelines for the management of abnormal cervical cancer screening tests and cancer precursors. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2013 Apr;17(5 Suppl 1):S1-S27

9. Sherman ME, Lorincz AT, Scott DR, et al: Baseline cytology, human papillomavirus testing, and risk for cervical neoplasia: a 10-year cohort analysis. J Nat Cancer Inst. 2003 Jan 1;95(1):46-52

Method Description
Describes how the test is performed and provides a method-specific reference

A ThinPrep Pap specimen is collected, processed on a T2000 or T5000 processor, and stained with a Pap stain. Cases are examined microscopically and those with appropriate cytologic diagnoses are referred for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing if the patient is 21 or older.(Instruction manuals: ThinPrep 2000 System Operator's Manual. Hologic; MAN-02585-001 Rev. 006, 02/2017; ThinPrep 5000 Processor Operator's Manual. Hologic; MAN-02203-001 Rev. 002, 2016)


The cobas HPV test targets and detects nucleic acid from the L1 region of the HPV genome using real-time polymerase chain reaction technology. The cobas HPV test is used for the in vitro qualitative detection of 14 high-risk HPV types commonly associated with cervical cancer. The assay is able to specifically assess for the presence or absence of HPV genotypes 16 and 18, while concurrently detecting the remaining 12 high-risk types (31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68). The cobas HPV test is used in conjunction with the cobas 4800 System. The cobas 4800 System comprises the cobas x 480 instrument and cobas z 480 analyzer that fully automates the cobas HPV from sample extraction through amplification, detection, and data reduction.(Package insert: cobas HPV test. Roche Diagnostics; version 05641268001-01EN, 10/2018)

PDF Report
Indicates whether the report includes an additional document with charts, images or other enriched information


Day(s) Performed
Outlines the days the test is performed. This field reflects the day that the sample must be in the testing laboratory to begin the testing process and includes any specimen preparation and processing time before the test is performed. Some tests are listed as continuously performed, which means that assays are performed multiple times during the day.

Monday through Friday

Report Available
The interval of time (receipt of sample at Mayo Clinic Laboratories to results available) taking into account standard setup days and weekends. The first day is the time that it typically takes for a result to be available. The last day is the time it might take, accounting for any necessary repeated testing.

5 to 8 days

Specimen Retention Time
Outlines the length of time after testing that a specimen is kept in the laboratory before it is discarded

14 days after report issued

Performing Laboratory Location
Indicates the location of the laboratory that performs the test


Several factors determine the fee charged to perform a test. Contact your U.S. or International Regional Manager for information about establishing a fee schedule or to learn more about resources to optimize test selection.

  • Authorized users can sign in to Test Prices for detailed fee information.
  • Clients without access to Test Prices can contact Customer Service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Prospective clients should contact their account representative. For assistance, contact Customer Service.

Test Classification
Provides information regarding the medical device classification for laboratory test kits and reagents. Tests may be classified as cleared or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and used per manufacturer instructions, or as products that do not undergo full FDA review and approval, and are then labeled as an Analyte Specific Reagent (ASR) product.

This test has been cleared, approved, or is exempt by the US Food and Drug Administration and is used per manufacturer's instructions. Performance characteristics were verified by Mayo Clinic in a manner consistent with CLIA requirements.

CPT Code Information
Provides guidance in determining the appropriate Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code(s) information for each test or profile. The listed CPT codes reflect Mayo Clinic Laboratories interpretation of CPT coding requirements. It is the responsibility of each laboratory to determine correct CPT codes to use for billing.

CPT codes are provided by the performing laboratory.


88141-TPDPC (if appropriate)

LOINC® Information
Provides guidance in determining the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) values for the order and results codes of this test. LOINC values are provided by the performing laboratory.

Test Id Test Order Name Order LOINC Value
DTPCO ThinPrep w/HPV Co-Test-Diagnostic 101822-5
Result Id Test Result Name Result LOINC Value
Applies only to results expressed in units of measure originally reported by the performing laboratory. These values do not apply to results that are converted to other units of measure.
71331 Interpretation 59465-5
71332 Participated in the Interpretation No LOINC Needed
71333 Report electronically signed by 19139-5
71334 Addendum 35265-8
71335 Gross Description 22634-0
CY002 Pap Test Source 19763-2
CY003 Clinical History 22636-5
CY004 Menstrual Status (LMP, PM, Pregnant) 8678-5
CY005 Hormone Therapy/Contraceptives 8659-5
71579 Disclaimer 62364-5
71825 Case Number 80398-1

Test Setup Resources

Setup Files
Test setup information contains test file definition details to support order and result interfacing between Mayo Clinic Laboratories and your Laboratory Information System.

Excel | Pdf

Sample Reports
Normal and Abnormal sample reports are provided as references for report appearance.

Normal Reports | Abnormal Reports

SI Sample Reports
International System (SI) of Unit reports are provided for a limited number of tests. These reports are intended for international account use and are only available through MayoLINK accounts that have been defined to receive them.

SI Normal Reports | SI Abnormal Reports

Test Update Resources

Change Type Effective Date
Test Status - Test Resumed 2024-06-11
Test Status - Test Delay 2024-06-03