CLD18 - Overview: Claudin 18 (CLDN18) (43-14A), Semi-Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Manual
Identification of tumor cells expressing claudin 18 As an aid in screening patients who may be eligible for VYLOY (zolbetuximab) treatment
VANRA - Overview: Vancomycin, Random, Serum
Monitoring adequacy of drug concentration during vancomycin therapy whenever a specimen is submitted or collected without collection timing information
COUO - Overview: Cobalt Occupational Exposure, Random, Urine
Screening for occupational exposure to cobalt
VANTA - Overview: Vancomycin, Trough, Serum
Preferred test for monitoring vancomycin therapy Monitoring trough concentrations drawn at steady-state in selected patients receiving vancomycin therapy
T46CS - Overview: Tripartite Motif-Containing Protein 46 (TRIM46) IgG, Cell Binding Assay, Serum
Detecting tripartite motif-containing protein 46 (TRIM46)-IgG by cell-binding assay using serum specimens Evaluation of an autoimmune/paraneoplastic neurological syndrome among patients presenting with cerebellar ataxia, encephalitis, or...
MSTC - Overview: Strict Criteria Sperm Morphology for Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment, Semen
Diagnosing male infertility Selecting the most cost-effective therapy for treating male-factor infertility Quantifying the number of germinal and white blood cells per mL of semen
SUDC - Overview: Sudden Cardiac Death Pathology Consultation
Identifying specific causes contributing to sudden cardiac death
ULFAT - Overview: Cryptococcus Antigen Titer, Lateral Flow Assay, Urine
Aiding in the diagnosis of infection with Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii This test should not be used as a test of cure.
FRTUP - Overview: Free Thyroxine Index (FTI), Serum
Estimating the amount of circulating free thyroxine (free thyroxine index) using the total thyroxine and thyroid binding capacity (T-uptake)
VH - Overview: Vanillylmandelic Acid and Homovanillic Acid, Random, Urine
Preferred first test for screening for catecholamine-secreting tumors in a random urine specimen when requesting both homovanillic acid and vanillylmandelic acid Supporting a diagnosis of neuroblastoma Monitoring patients with a treated...
Primary ciliary dyskinesia - Insights
Learn more about Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ robust approach to testing for primary ciliary dyskinesia, a rare genetic condition that can lead to chronic otosinopulmonary disease and infertility in men....
note, CPT Code changes listed on this document are effective January 1st, 2025.*** ***Updates and other changes may occur, and be reflected on this document, leading up to 2025*** ***CPT Code Updates...
CPT Codes and LOINC Update: September 2019 - Insights
View a full list of new CPT codes, Test Classification Updates, LOINC Codes, and Z-Codes posted to during the month of September 2019....
MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information MC1235297
MCL Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Complete print Reset Form Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Genetic Testing Patient Information Instructions Accurate interpretation reporting...
New communication process for CPT Code changes - Insights
Mayo Clinic Laboratories (MCL) is pleased to announce an essential update to our CPT code communication process and website layout. This change is designed to bring timely notifications for accurate billing...