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Renal - Insights

Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ nephrology experts, pathologists, and laboratory scientists uphold the highest standards of renal laboratory care.

Jeff Meeusen, Ph.D., Provides Clinical Update on Ceramides - Insights

Jeff Meeusen, Ph.D., Co-Director of Cardiovascular Laboratory Medicine in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, provides a clinical update on ceramides.

New high-resolution urine drug testing profile - Insights

Bringing together advanced testing technology, unparalleled expertise, and a patient-focused approach, Mayo Clinic Laboratories’ new high-resolution urine drug testing profile, ADMPU, evaluates for 22 drug classes including alcohol,...

A shared journey through breast cancer: Samantha Duke and Jane Hanson - Insights

When Samantha Duke discovered she had breast cancer, she didn’t have to look far for support. Her mother Jane walked a similar path 16 years earlier. Inspired both by her mom and the strong network of healthcare physicians and professionals...

Monogenic IBD Testing - Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Monogenic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a diverse spectrum of rare genetic disorders that present with intestinal inflammation. The majority of patients with monogenic IBD, unlike those with polygenic IBD, show symptoms before...

Mayo Clinic Laboratory and Pathology Research Roundup: April 9 - Insights

This week’s Research Roundup highlights genetic evidence for early peritoneal spreading in pelvic high-grade serous cancer.

Week in Review: May 6 - Insights

Today's highlights include: Mental health needs rise as pandemic fluctuates, an algorithm that analyzes apple watch data shows early promise in detecting heart problems, and Minnesota physicians brace for Roe v. Wade decision

Updated assay guides diagnosis of autoimmune liver disease: Anne Tebo, Ph.D. - Insights

Anne Tebo, Ph.D., explains how Mayo Clinic Laboratories' updated ALDG2 assay helps with the evaluation of patients with suspected autoimmune liver disease. The panel also helps with the evaluation of liver disease of unknown etiology.

April 2023 - Pulmonary Case 2 - Insights

This "Pathways" program provides an Anatomic Pathology case that includes a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. This case sub-specialty is Pulmonary Pathology.

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